This course is for you, if you meet any of these criteria:
• You want an overview of the people, places, and events of the Bible to get a better grasp of the Bible.
You’ve probably heard different names from the Bible: Abraham, Joshua, Solomon, Nehemiah. You’ve probably heard different places: Canaan, Mount Sinai, Assyria, Persia. You’ve probably heard different stories: Tower of Babel, the Passover, Babylonian Captivity, Pentecost. Learning the 100 great events of the Bible will give you the cohesive story of how all the people, places, and events fit together.
• You’re reading through the Bible and you need markers to help guide you.
You started at Genesis, you made your way through Exodus, but you’re getting confused at Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. If you know the major events, you know what to look for and why they’re important. Having the 100 great events of the Bible laid out chronologically will give you signposts that will keep you moving forward.
• You want to understand the Bible quickly with just enough content so you can confidently open your Bible.
By having the Bible broken down into 100 symbols, you don’t get overwhelmed with all the details. At the same time, it’s not so broad that you miss any of the major markers. It’s not too big, it’s not too small, it’s just right.
• You are a small group leader, Sunday School teacher, or homeschool teacher and need a tool so your teaching can have more impact.
You have been given the responsibility to teach something from the Bible but you feel inadequate because you know so little about scripture and you may also feel scared because someone may ask you a question about the Bible. When you understand the big picture of the Bible, you can dig into God’s Word to mine its details and help others understand the Bible.