Most Christ-followers know the stories of the Bible...

David & Goliath
Joshua and the walls of Jericho
Moses and the burning bush
the birth and death of Christ
Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus...


The Great Events of the Bible puts the major stories in chronological order so when you read the Bible the details make sense. It's simple enough so you can go through it quickly but detailed enough to understand how the major stories fit together.

Dr. Max Anders,
author of 30 Days to Understanding the Bible

"Like a knowledge jigsaw puzzle, Gary has put information and pictures together into a larger whole to enable you to see the 30,000 foot view of the Bible. With clever art work and concise content summaries, Gary allows you to effortlessly turn the pages of this inventive book and end up with a tight-summary understanding, making a complicated book (the Bible) seem simpler and more manageable. It will help you understand the Bible better and lay a strong foundation for greater biblical mastery."

Aloha, my name is Gary Lau. For over 20 years, I've been teaching Christ-followers the big picture of the Bible with clarity and creativity...from Walk Thru the Bible seminars, Bible undergraduate classes, to church workshops.

And now I've taken my years of Bible teaching and condensed them into a book to help you quickly understand the chronological story of the Bible.

Dr. Randy Furushima, Executive Director
Emmaus Center for Biblical Teaching

"With astounding brevity and compelling creativity, Gary has faithfully captured the entire narrative of God’s story into an informative and inspiring book covering the great events of the Bible. This is a precious gift to us from the mind and heart of a master teacher of the Bible."

By learning it visually..

Untitled Artwork

Gary Manning, PhD, Professor of New Testament
Talbot School of Theology at Biola University

"Gary Lau has produced something really amazing in The Great Events of the Bible. My Bible is 1460 pages - but Gary has distilled its historical storyline down to a 30-page book! The Great Events of the Bible can help you get the big picture of the Bible and not get lost in the small details. It's clear, it's beautifully illustrated, and it is a great guide to the events of the Bible."

Website - Front Cover

Whether you've read the Bible only once or multiple times, you'll understand how the events of the Bible come together in one narrative. You'll be able to take the stories of the Bible you've learned over the years and put them in chronological order so that the Bible makes sense.

Rev. Dr. John Teter
Senior Minister, Holy Faith Fellowship

"Gary has devoted himself to mastering the Bible in his lifetime and sharing the treasure he finds. In this important book, Gary skillfully helps us understand not only the great events of the Bible, but how they all fit together. You will love God more as you follow Gary into the Book!"

Get a Handle on the Bible Today!

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Mike Rohde
Author of The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook

"Gary Lau’s Great Events of the Bible visual storyline is one of the coolest uses of visualization I’ve seen in a long time. There’s so much clarity in the way Gary lays out the timeline of the Bible from creation to new creation. I love the systemized way he has structured not only the characters of the Bible, but the flow from beginning to end, it is definitely worth owning."


The size of the paperback book is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, printed on 28# paper. It is 30 pages long.

At this time I am only shipping to the United States. As the business grows, I will begin international sales. If you have any questions, contact me so we can begin the conversation.

Additional study materials will be made available at a later date. You will be notified via email when they are available.

Right now, I’m a one-man operation. I do the copying, collating, stapling, and shipping. I try to get your order out within two working days but it may take up to two weeks to get to you.

Within a few minutes. Refresh your inbox after placing your order.

Send me an email prior to placing your order.

Send me an email so we can begin the conversation.

It’s called sketchnoting. It’s a form of visual note-taking. Search #sketchnote or #sketchnotes in Twitter or Instagram.

The book is currently available only in English. Contact me as I’m building a team to translate the book in different languages.

Grasp the Big Picture of the Bible Today!

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