As you read Dr. J. Robert Clinton’s materials, please keep the following in mind:
1. He wrote his materials for use in his classes, not necessarily for the general public. Thus his writings are geared toward the academic world rather than lay people.
2. There are a lot of footnotes. If you are not familiar with Dr. Clinton’s writings then skip the footnotes. As you progress through Clinton’s materials, the footnotes will be important but also repetitive. You begin to see similar footnotes in all his writings.
3. There are grammatical and spelling errors. He also switches between writing in the past/present/future. Clinton writes profusely but doesn’t spend much time proof-reading. Give him grace in this area.
4. He sometimes uses a style called Information-Mapping which includes Introduction, Definition, Comments, and Examples. Clinton was formerly an engineer and thinks logically. Thus his style of writing takes a little getting used to.
5. Clinton seems to exhaust almost any topic. Expect this. God has given Clinton a unique ability to see the whole of something and break it down into pieces.
6. You will have many questions about Clinton. I can answer most of them but not all of them; I am still going through his writings which numbers about 2,500 (articles, manuals, position papers, books). There will be times when one Clinton question will lead to another Clinton question which will lead to another Clinton question.
7. Although Clinton focuses on leadership you will find that most of his leadership findings are biblically based. He is able to see leadership values in the Bible.